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Working with residents

We will actively involve residents in the design process of the small sites projects, seeking their input and incorporating improvements to outdoor spaces whenever possible.

We have confirmed that this project will:

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Deliver six supported living homes with 24-hour support staff presence.

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Require the removal of garages to build the homes. The team will work with users of the garages to understand ways of meeting their needs.

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Allocate money to improving other parts of the estate as part of this project and we want to understand your priorities for this.

Since 2022, we have been speaking with local residents to understand how you feel about the Churchill Road Spencer Rise Estate, and get to know your concerns and priorities so they can be considered throughout the design process. Through our work we have found the following priorities:

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Landscape and playspaces

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Play provision:

Equipment to create a focus area for play but include hard standing for scooting and cycling.

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Open space:

Improving the courtyard space outside.

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Addressing dog issues:

Dog waste bins, dog exercise area.

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Access and movement

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Secure boundary: 

Improving gates/security to prevent antisocial behaviour in the green space, vandalism and store shed break ins.

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Improving recycling & bins area:

Improving existing facilities and minimising the impact of wind blowing waste around the estate.



Providing secure storage.

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Urban design



Be sensitive to surrounding buildings and try to maintain street setting.


Keep existing trees along Spencer Rise if possible.

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